
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goodbye, Chandru Mama.

I will miss you. The simplicity with which you led your life, the sharp acumen you showed in financial matters, the ever smiling face. Most importantly, the amazing sense of humour that you were blessed with.

I still remember the time, maybe 20 yrs back, when you gave me a 5 rupees note and explained to me the importance of saving money. Your zest in wanting to repair electronic items like radios etc, that more often than not, ended in being messed up further ( just like your father i.e my Muthashan). Your explaination to me on how a TV works, which i used to remember when i was studying the subject during my engineering days. I want to go on and on, but words fail me today.

I am glad that you could make it to our place for my wedding, and bless us. The one final re-union of the entire family under one roof.

Your mother misses you, your siblings miss you, we all will miss you. A lot. The memories will remain forever with all of us, whilst you are re-united with our beloved Muthashan in heaven.

God bless your soul.

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